Developers' Manual
by Holger Crysandt
Messages - Listeners & Speakers
All information (including signals) are transmitted by messages. If a class send messages, it is a MsgSpeaker; If a class receive messages, it is a MsgListener. Every Box in the encoder sends its own messages (AudioSpectrumEnvelope sends MsgAudioSpectrumEvelopes, Resizer sends MsgResizers, ...). When a class is interested in a certain type of messages I has to connect itself to the box from which it wants to receive messages using the command addListener(...) with itself as argument (see
The MP7DocumentBuilder collects the messages from the boxes which extracts data for a descriptor and creates the XML Document. Before fetching the Document using the getDocument() method the method flush() must be called to indicate that the input signal has reached its end.
JUnit test cases
In order to test the software JUnit test cases are very, very welcome. All test cases are stored under /tests/src. They are all called automatically by the target tests in the file build.develop.xml:
ant -f build.develope.xml tests
Note: As junit.jar is not included in the ant package you must include it in your classpath manually before running the JUnit tests. You get the latest version at
The documentation is written in XHTML. The files are stored in {path_to_mpeg7audioenc}/xhtml. The files don't contain any information about the layout of the web page. The unique look-and-feel is added later by executing the following ant command:
ant -f build.develope.xml www
The target www uses an XSLT compiler to transform the pure xhtml pages into the html pages with the known design. The instructions are stored in the file {path_to_mpeg7audioenc}/xhtml/mpeg7html.xsl.
All files for the web site are copied into the folder {path_to_mpeg7audioenc}/www. The files can now be uploaded to the server (as long as you know the login and password):
ant -f build.develope.xml -Dusername=myusername -Dpassword=mypassword upload
Last updated: 2009-06-13 |  |