by Holger Crysandt
This java library provides a MPEG-7 audio encoder to describe an audio content (in this case: an audio file) with some descriptors of the MPEG-7 standard.
It was initially developed at the Institute of Communications Engineering at Aachen University (RWTH) - Germany and extended at the Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona - Italy. The software is published under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Its binaries and sources are hosted by
Currently the encoder extracts the following descriptors and description schemes:
Low Level Descriptors
- AudioPowerType
- AudioWaveform
- AudioSpectrumCentroid/-Spread
- AudioSpectrumEnvelope
- AudioSpectrumFlatness
- AudioSpectrumBasis/-Projection
- AudioFundamentalFrequency
- AudioHarmonicity
- LogAttackTime
- HarmonicSpectralCentroid
- HarmonicSpectralDeviation
- HarmonicSpectralSpread
- HarmonicSpectralVariation
- SpectralCentroid
- TemporalCentroid
- DigitalClip
- DigitalZero
- SampleHold
- Click
- BackgroundNoiseLevel
- DcOffset
- BandWidth
Description Schema
- AudioSignature
- SoundModel
More descriptors and description schemes are under construction and might follow in the future. If you want to help us extending the encoder fell free to contact me or/and join us at
To run the program Java2, Version 1.3 is required. Other programs or libraries are not necessary. Due to performance version 1.4 or later is highly recommended. It can be downloaded at To get the version of your java installation just type:
java -version
Last updated: 2009-06-13 |  |