Download MPEG7AudioEnc.jar
by Holger Crysandt
Stable Version
Go to the Java MPEG-7 Audio Encoder project at and look for the latest stable version of the software in the Files section. There you will find the sources as tar-ball and zip-file and an already compiled archive file of the library (MPEG7AudioEnc.jar).
CVS Version
The latest version of the software is available via CVS. It includes the latest bug fixes and new implementations since the last release. To learn more about it go to CVS section of the MPEG-7 Audio Encoderproject at
To compile the source files no additional libraries are required.
With ant
Along with the sources comes the file build.xml which is the build file for ant. To compile the sources and to create the archive file type:
ant build
There are more options available. To get a full list type:
ant usage
Without ant
To compile the sources without ant, compile the file All other files are compiled automatically. Please keep in mind that the sources need at least version 1.4 of Java. So don't forget the -source 1.4 switch for the command line version of the compiler or any configuration of your IDE. The -source 1.4 switch will also compress warnings for later versions of Java
javac -source 1.4 [...] de/crysandt/audio/mpeg7audio/
Last updated: 2009-06-13 |  |